
Ruston & Hornsby

Ruston & Hornsby was established on the September 11th, 1918, when the to companies “Ruston, Proctor and Company” merged with “Richard Hornsby & Sons”. Aero engines 3.000 aero engines were manufactured at the factory during WWI Aeroplanes During the first world war, Ruston & Hornsby was Britain’s largest manufacturer of Sopwith Camel biplanes for the […]

Hillman Minx

The Rootes Group

The Rootes Group started as an automobile dealership in Kent, and was founded by William Rootes in 1913, and by 1924 they were the largest car and lorry distributor in the whole United Kingdom. Acquisitions Roots Group acquired a long list of British automotive brands. Hilmann Motor Car Company Limited Rootes bought the majority of […]

FIAT bus with Øveraasen snowplough - 1926
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Bus Companies

Since the invention of the “autobus” there have been bus companies transporting people from one part of a continent to another. Europe Denmark Bornholms Amts Trafikselskab De Bornholmske Jernbaner Københavns Sporveje England The Western and Southern National Omnibus Companies The United States of America Greyhound National City Lines National City Lines ran a series of […]